New to the Neighborhood or just need some information?
If you see people digging fossils in the ditches, call County Business License admin immediately at 843.832.0018 or 843.459.4998
A street light is out in my neighborhood, who can I call to get it fixed?
Make note of the pole number from the metal plaque on the pole, or the residential address where the streetlight is located, and call MaryJo at 843.851.4952 , or call Dominion Energy SC Customer Service at
How do I find trash removal services that serve our neighborhood?
The Town of Summerville picks up garbage and yard debris for the few properties that are in town limits. Most residents will need to establish garbage collection service with a private company. Most residents use one of the following:
CWS/Priority-1 843.875.2556
Republic Waste Services 843.552.4751
These companies charge a monthly fee for their services, some offer yard debris pick-up included, or for an extra fee.
Where can I dispose of trash, recyclables and yard debris?
Household trash, recyclables, and large bulky items can be taken to the Oakbrook Convenience Site:
4801 Old Fort Drive
Ladson, SC 843-832-0970
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 7:00 am to 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
To recycle yard debris, use the Miles Jamison Road Site:
130 Suburban Lane
Tuesday/Thursday: 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM and Saturday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
To recycle televisions and car batteries, use the Hwy 61 Convenience Site: 757 Beech Hill Rd
The above options are provided at no extra cost through your tax dollars but you do the delivering.
How do I report suspicious or criminal activity?
For Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office dispatch (emergency) Call:
Non-dispatch (non-emergency) number is:
For Summerville Police, call
For other local issues visit the Dorchester County website at:
Quail Arbor Civic Club
Mailing Address: PO BOX 662, Summerville, SC 29484
Email Address: quailarborcivicclub@gmail.com